Charismatic Movement is Church of Laodicea – Is Calvary Chapel a Christian Cult? Vineyard, Neocharismatics

Jun 15, 2013 by

Charismatic Movement is Church of Laodicea – Is Calvary Chapel a Christian Cult? Vineyard, Neocharismatics

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Tracking the Antichrist Spirit Down Through the History of the Charismatic Movement
Is Calvary Chapel a Christian Cult? Abuse, Authority Structure – Coverup, Lies and Deception
The Serpent Seed Heresy – 2 Branches – Return of the Nephilim and Army of Elect Seed
Chuck Missler, Conspiracy Theories, and Logical Fallacies
The Antichrist Spirit Indentified – Biblical Discernment – The Alien Agenda
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The Sky is Falling – Prophesied End of the False Prophets – The Storm of Hailstones

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*Disclaimer: Please note I do not affirm all information found at all of these links, but provide these as references and/or footnotes and/or simply resources I looked at to consider while doing this study. Some are affirmed, some are not, some are only in part. In some cases only one page on a website is referenced or quoted, while many more pages on the same site were read through – thus this is a starting point for further research. *
Textual Study

1 Samuel 8 – Israel Demands a King
First Clement: Clement of Rome
συνευδοκησάσης consensus – Google Search
Strong’s Greek: 4909. συνευδοκέω (suneudokeó) — to join in approving


Chuck Smith, Calvary Chapel, Moses Model, Cults, Sects, and Spiritual Abuse
Calvary Chapel Visitor Comments
Territorial disputes has 2 California cults feuding
Warning Signs
Calvary Chapel Wiki / Calvary Chapel Authority Structure
typical-church-structure1.jpg (792×612)
heirarchy1.jpg (517×337)
false-authority-structure.jpg (498×437)
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Calvary Chapel, Chuck Smith, The Moses Model: Let the Little Dogs Bark! | Spiritual Sounding Board
Challenge 4: What about the “Moses Model”? | exploring the faith
Chuck Smith’s Creeds: The Calvary Chapel “Distinctives” » Calvary Chapel Abuse | Calvary Chapel Abuse
Dealing with child abuse, spousal abuse, molestation in the church…and a proper Jesus Model of spiritual leadership: “Abuse and Pastors: An Open Letter from a Pastor to Pastors” » Calvary Chapel Abuse | Calvary Chapel Abuse
Calvary Chapel Practices: Narc for Jesus » Calvary Chapel Abuse | Calvary Chapel Abuse
2010 July » Calvary Chapel Abuse | Calvary Chapel Abuse
Calvary Chapel Affiliation/Fellowship Application/Agreement » Calvary Chapel Abuse | Calvary Chapel Abuse
Calvary Chapel: What’s been your experience? Good, bad or ugly? Part 1 » Calvary Chapel Abuse | Calvary Chapel Abuse
Review: “Biblical Eldership: An Urgent Call to Restore Biblical Church Leadership” by Alexander Strauch | exploring the faith
Calvary Chapel Visalia Personal Story: Tina’s Story | Spiritual Sounding Board
Calvary Chapel Abuse
A Guide to Pentecostal Denominations – Yahoo! Voices –
Avoid Spiritual Abuse By Avoiding The Moses Syndrome | The Wartburg Watch 2013
Definitions FAQ on Religious Cults, Sects, Alternative Religious Movements, Anti-cult and Countercult groups.
Apologetics research resources on religious cults and sects – Cult: A Theological Definition

Lonnie Frisbee, The Way Cult, Victor Paul Weirville, George Van Tassel, Hindu Occultism

Lonnie Frisbee | N4TM
Vineyard Lonnie Frisbee
Frisbee: The Life and Death of a Hippie Preacher – Saturday, Aug 15, 2009 – Ark Livedash TV Transcript – Livedash – Search what is being mentioned across national TV
MORE Manifestations LESS Bible!
Slain in the Spirit
Lonnie Frisbee – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why They Do Not Warn: Part 2 Lonnie Frisbee | N4TM
Christians Together : Kundalini spirits in the church?
Galatians 4: Lonnie Frisbee, The Jesus Movement and the Early Years of Calvary Chapel
Kathryn Kuhlman | Discernment Ministries International
Introduction to New and Alternative Religions in America: African diaspora … – Google Books
The Way International – Christian or Cult?
The Way Tree Is Splintering | CRI
Lonnie’s Book — Lonnie Frisbee
Why is Lonnie Frisbee MISSING from Calvary Chapel church history? – YouTube
No Sympathy for the Devil: Christian Pop Music and the Transformation of American Evangelicalism: David W. Stowe: 9780807834589: Books
Shepherding Movement – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Animal magnetism – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No Sympathy for the Devil: Christian Pop Music and the Transformation of … – David Ware Stowe – Google Books
Expose on The Way International – Part 1 – YouTube


Vineyard, Neocharismatics, Dominionism
The Apostolic and Prophetic Movement – Apologetics Resource Center (ARC)
Vineyard Churches
About Us :: Vineyard Church
International Coalition of Apostles | Deception Free
Toronto Blessing – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Todd Bentley’s Militant Joel’s Army Gains Followers in Florida | Southern Poverty Law Center
THE SERPENT SEED & THE NEPHILIM : Apprising Ministries
Joels Army | Deception Free
Kansas City Prophets Exposed: Ernie Gruen’s Report


Chuck Missler, Return of the Nephilim
Formerly Mid Acts – NOW ACTS 28: Chuck and Nancy Missler’s Protestant Purgatory
Letter to Chuck Missler
August 2004 Sentinel E-update
A look at honorary degrees
Research file – Plagiarism by Contemporary Religions Leaders
Herescope: Quantum Prophecy
Herescope: The “Return” of the Alien Super Soldier
THE DAYS OF NOAH and the “Sons of God”
Greek Word Study Tool
About Dr. Charles Missler
Chuck Missler – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chuck Missler, Conspiracy Theories, and Logical Fallacies
March 2011 Brief – Spickard’s Signs of the Times
CIA agent founded Campus Crusade for Christ
SCP Endorsement of Rifkin
Conspiracy Planet – Phony Religion – CIA’s Pat Matrisciana Says He Created Jesus Freaks
Beware of Chuck Missler
Tavistock: The Best Kept Secret in America
Antipas: CIA Connections
Leading Christian evangelist Missler funded by the Illuminati? | Fitzpatrick Informer
Council for National Policy ( CNP) – M – Member Biographies
Council for National Policy – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chuck Missler’s, Avi Lipkin, and walking circumspectly because the days are evil. | Rapture Condition – Signs of the Times
Ephesians 5:11 Blog: The Satanic Cover-up of Chuck Missler
Ephesians 5:11 Blog

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  1. Bob

    Yes, Calvary Chapel is a cult. The pastors think they are gods. They are essentially mentally ill. Their egotism knows no bounds. They cannot be corrected. They do not dialogue. They have one principle: rule or ruin. Either you let us rule you or we will ruin you. That is the Calvary Chapel main distinctive. Calvary Chapel is one of the most incredible demonic counterfeits to ever dupe the community of faith. It is evil to the core. Power is their drug of choice and money is their one true god. Once you get hooked it is extremely difficult to get out. Stay away from Calvary Chapel. It will destroy you and your family. They are psychotic vampires whose lust for innocent blood goes far beyond anything the Inquisition ever dreamed of. They hate and they hate and they hate You, if you do not bow down and worship them. Get out as fast as you can. Run fast. Stay away. Get to a safe harbor and never go back. Yes, it is true, Calvary Chapel is a CULT.

  2. I co host an internet show daily. I am wanting anyone who believes that Calvary Chapel is a cult to get in touch with me as we would like to interview on air. Thanks so much

    • Gary Lindgren

      I would love to tell you our story. We attended several Calvary Chapels throughout the U.S., from California, to the Midwest, The East, and the South (I was in the Marine Corps). We have been burned at every turn–truly cultish.


  3. Jon

    From what I gather, Calvary Chapel is not really a cult in terms of its beliefs. It certainly propogates some error, but I would not classify it as a cult in this regard. I would say they operate as a cult in a behavioral sense. There authoritarian style of leadership and the general lack of education throughout the movement lends itself to a cult-like atmosphere. People begin to blindly follow each other and conformity sets in. It is probably very far from its beginnings as a counter-cultural, hippie-inspired group. Now it appears very fundamentalist and old-fashioned. What is most alarming for me is the number of complaints and allegations that have arisen over the years. I’ve only learned about this recently. Having visited a calvary chapel for a short time, I did notice a few things. The pastor was sort of arrogant and simple-minded. The people did not seem that biblically informed, except with regard to CC teaching. That WAS alarming. That was indicative of what people have said before. I also felt the people were more concerned about being right according to the movement and identifyin with its leadership than actually serving and walkin in love. That was troubling. I have a little bit of a theological background so I notice these things. I had actually been in mainline churches that were surprisingly more biblical and charitable in how they went about doing things. I guess CC is too much of a program. When that happens it looks less and less like a church. But the central concern I and many others have is their style of leadership: the Moses Model. I will speak bluntly. We are not at liberty to take Moses as an example for the New Testament elder/pastor. The one has nothing to do with the other. And frankly, its not really expedient to do so, except of course for the leaders, and we know the corruption it has bred. We need to be informed by Chrisitan tradition. And hte tradition of the early chruch as witnessed by Scirpture is a plurality of elders. We need to follow their example, I think. It’s the only notable example int he books of the N.T. It also safeguards the chruch and protects the flock from exploitation. As St.Paul said, many peple will gladly accept wolves though they slap them on the face. This is the nature of many Christians: not everyone knows their Bible, most are not theologically adept, and some are not strong in their Christian identity. They are ripe for abuse. This has happened over the years in Calvary Chapel.

  4. Jon

    Having said all of that in the previous box, I would not make too much of their charismatic element. It exists but I don’t think it is that prominant. Their music is contemporary and their worship somewhat emotional, but I don’t think that equates with pentecostalism. The real problem as I pointed out is its style of leadership. Its problems stem from that. In fixing their leadership they will resolve all other issues. But until that occurs, they will continue to receive bad press.

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